Setup Hashicorp’s Nomad And Consul Using Ansible
This walk-through will provide you with the information required to run and manage your Nomad Cluster. We’ll briefly touch up Consul to ensure you’re able to seamlessly load balance your services.

Bridge Networks For KVM On Ubuntu 22.04 Server
If you’ve been trying to create bridge networks for your virtual machines on KVM you may have stumbled upon a few roadblocks. With Ubuntu 20+ Server the default NetworkManager is replaced with the systemd-networkd. You can always install NetworkManager on your server but in this post we’ll describe how to create bridge networks using Netplan.

Coreutils Feature Shorts - Automatic Budget Rollovers
Coreutils handles all the campaign budgeting for you. It begins with 2 basic constraints that set the guardrails for all your campaigns. Setting these values lets you operate without having to micromanage utilisation of your allocations.

Coreutils Feature Shorts - Custom Claim Expiry
By default the claimed coupon can be redeemed for 7 minutes but now with the latest release, you can customize the claim expiry for each claim request.

Python Logging 101 - Filters And Handlers
Python logging consists of a few core components that we’re required to interact with. While setting up a logger does not require us to interact with most of these, we eventually end up having to tweak the default configurations to get what we need for a production-grade deployment.

Introducing Coreutils.dev
As part of the early access release of Coreutils, we’re launching the Coupons feature. If you’re a business with a small engineering team that runs your own e-commerce offering, this could be a handy plug-and-play service that can help you get rolling quickly.

Make Remote Work For You
There are millions of reasons to reject the “remote way”, but if you’re looking to make a real effort to embrace the practice then here’s how we do it.

Case Study - Alphacoach Evolve
Alphacoach Evolve is a health and fitness platform, that generates huge volumes of time-series data. The data is then run through computational layers before insights are generated and offered to the users as actionable outcomes.

PostgreSQL - Cancelling statement due to conflict with recovery
Running queries on a standby replica node may cause queries to error out with a message 'Cancelling statement due to conflict with recovery'.

SQLAlchemy and Idle in transaction queries
Orphaned transactions are a problem that could lead to messy states in the database. This is usually a good indicator that the something is not right in the manner in which connections are established and closed on the services that query the database.

Transactional Unit Tests with Pytest and Async SQLAlchemy
This is a quick how-to post if you’re working on migrating your database-backed applications to async-sqlalchemy and are looking to get a test framework in place.

Prefect Cloud based data pipelines using AWS Copilot on ECS
In the next series of blog posts we aim to build and deploy a production grade data stack on Amazon's Elastic Container Service.

Yet another caching library
While investigating caching libraries for one of Core27's clients we slipped into a rabbit hole of finding the perfect caching library.

Generating series with Postgres
Social websites usually have a feature that displays the users engagement with a site or a log of a particular activity over time.

SQL - Postgres Long running queries
Quick snippet to discover queries that have been running for over 1 minute on Postgres

Kill a running query - Postgres
Often we notice long running queries in idle or idle in transaction state.